On saturday,August 05th - 2017

Señores padres de familia - Estudiantes de grado 6 abc  - jornada mañana y tarde.
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Les recuerdo que para nuestro" ENGLISH DAY",Actividad cultural - academica que se llevara a cabo el proximo mes de septiembre del 2017 ; nos corresponde Canada país soberano de América del Norte, cuya forma de gobierno es la monarquía parlamentaria federal. Su territorio está organizado en diez provincias y tres territorios. Su capital es la ciudad de Ottawa y la ciudad más poblada es Toronto.Es importante empezar a indagar,conocer toda su cultura y aspectos de interes como economia - moneda - ubicacion geografica - vestuario - division politica - gastronomia en fin...por medio de este tipo de propuestas padres de familia nuestros niños conoceran otras culturas que por supuesto sera de gran utilidad y aporte para el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestra segunda lengua extranjera  English...
por favor alguna inquietud comunicarme...
Lic.Edward Jaramillo
Foreign Languages.

Bandera Canadiense

LanguageEnglish and French are the official languages.ReligionThe religion most practiced in Canada is the Roman Catholic Religion. About half of Canadian Catholics live in Quebec. Of the Protestant churches, the most common is the United Church of Canada, followed by the Anglican Church, other groups of common Protestant religions are Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans and Pentecostal; Approximately 2% of the population also practice Orthodox and Muslim religions. Jews represent 1% and Buddhist and Hindu immigrants have recently begun to arrive. 13% of the population is atheistic.CoinThe unit of currency that circulates in Canada is the Canadian dollar.Go upGeographic situationCanada is located in the Northern Hemisphere of America. Its borders are:North: Arctic Ocean, separating it from Greenland.South: The United States.East: Atlantic OceanWest: Alaska and the Pacific Ocean.Canada also includes the territory on the continent a large number of islands, which form the Arctic Archipelago.Main citiesOttawa is the capital of the country.Other major cities are: Edmonton, Calgary, and Winnipeg.Total areaCanada has an area of ​​9,970,610 square kilometers.Geographic characteristicsThe coast of Canada is extremely irregular, with large bays and peninsulas. Canada is the country where more lakes can be found; Has 31 lakes that occupy an area of ​​more than 1300 square kilometers.It also has the Appalachian mountain system. Mount Robson is the highest height with about 3954 meters.Other major elevations in the west co-ordinate of Canada are Mount Logan, Mount St. Elias, which is the highest mountain in Canada and the second highest in North America, after Mount McKinley, Mount Lucania and King Peak.
WeatherCanada is located in a very cold north area. As a consequence, the general climatic conditions are extremely cold in the north regions and temperatures a little more moderate in the south zone.Natural resourcesIt has large areas of very fertile land. On its coasts are fish of great commercial value.Canada is also rich in its reserves of crude oil and natural gas.

Go upFlora and faunaA good part of the Canadian territory is covered by timber trees, where the pine and the cedar stand out. It also has large meadows.The fauna is very similar to that of Northern Europe and Asia. You can find bears, wolves, coyotes, American lions and pumas among other carnivorous animals. There are polar bears in Arctic regions.In some areas can be seen beavers, porcupines and numerous rodents. In the flat regions there are moles.Some areas of Canada are also the habitat of antelopes, reindeer and elk.There are also abundant and diverse varieties of birds, reptiles and insects.

PopulationThe Canadian population is quite diverse. About 28% are of British origin, 23% French.In growth is the population of Asian origin, and the rest of the population is composed of descendants of German, Italian, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek and Netherlands immigrants.
EducationThe educational system is derived from the British, American and French traditions in areas where the population is particularly of this origin. Many schools provide bilingual instruction in English and French.Each of Canada's 10 provinces has the responsibility to establish and maintain its own education system.Although there is no central ministry of education, the federal government serves schools for Canadian citizens.CultureThe federal government served Canadian culture and art through the Council established in 1957. Since 1972 it has a multicultural policy that reflects a variety of influences that highlight a mosaic of Canadian life, includes the traditions of the different ethnicities that form it, and The Aborigine.Go upHealthThe federal government has a Social Security Plan (pensions) and an Assistance Plan to ensure this service mainly for the elderly, pensioners, low-income families, children and the unemployed. It also provides veterans and immigrants with these services.The government of each zone or province has the greatest responsibility in guaranteeing the health service to its population, with financial assistance.Workers are accommodated by the Medical Insurance Service.governmentThe Government of Canada responds to the principles of the 1982 Constitution Act.Canada is a federal union, with a division of powers at the central and provincial levels. Although the provincial level is subordinated to what is established at the central level, this power is increasing.There is tension between the federal government and the provincial governments.

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