Señores Padres de Familia - Estudiantes de Noveno 9a - Jornada mañana
Reciban un Cordial y Fraterno Saludo
Les recuerdo que para nuestro" ENGLISH DAY",Actividad cultural - académica que se llevara a cabo el próximo mes de septiembre del 2017 ;Nos corresponde Australia país soberano de Oceanía, cuya forma de gobierno es la monarquía constitucional federal parlamentaria.Es importante indagar ,conocer toda su cultura y aspectos de interés como economía - moneda - ubicación geográfica - vestuario - división política - gastronomía en fin...por medio de este tipo de propuestas padres de familia nuestros niños conocerán otras culturas que por supuesto sera de gran utilidad y aporte para el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestra segunda lengua extranjera English...
por favor alguna inquietud comunicarme...
Lic. Edward Jaramillo
Foreign Languages.AUSTRALIA
Australia country profile
The country's first inhabitants, the Aboriginal people, are believed to have migrated from Asia tens of thousands of years before the arrival of British settlers in 1788. They now make up less than 3% of Australia's 23 million people.
Years of mass immigration after the Second World War heralded sweeping demographic changes, making modern Australia one of the world's most multicultural countries. But migration continues to be a sensitive issue politically.
In shaping its foreign and economic policy, Australia first looked to Europe and the US but in the last 20 years has developed stronger ties with Asia. It has acted as peacekeeper in the region sending missions to Solomon Islands, East Timor and Papua New Guinea.
Although Australia remains part of the Commonwealth, the future role of the monarchy has been a recurring issue in politics. An aging population, pressure on infrastructure and environmental concerns such as climate change are some of the long-term challenges facing the country.
- Read more country profiles - Profiles by BBC Monitoring
Commonwealth of Australia
Capital: Canberra
- Population 22.9 million
- Area 7.7 million sq km (2.9 million sq miles)
- Major language English
- Major religion Christianity
- Life expectancy 80 years (men), 84 years (women)
- Currency Australian dollar
Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by a governor-general
Prime Minister: Malcolm Turnbull
A veteran politician in the conservative Liberal Party, Mr Turnbull ousted fellow Liberal Tony Abbott from the premiership through a party leadership challenge in September 2015, following a pattern that has seen Australia change leaders four times in two years.
Coming from the socially liberal wing of the party, he backs same-sex marriage and measures to counter climate change, and led the unsuccessful campaign for a republic in the 1999 referendum.
Australia's media scene is creatively, technologically and economically advanced. There is a traditoin of public broadcasting but privately-owned TV and radio enjoy the lion's share of viewing and listening.
Ownership of print and broadcast media is highly concentrated, with two companies - The Murdoch-owned News Corp and Fairfax Media accounting for some 85 per cent of newspaper sales.
Around 19.5 million Australians are online.
Some key dates in Australia's history:
40,000 BC - The first Aborigines arrive from southeast Asia. By 20,000 BC they have spread throughout the mainland and Tasmania.
1770 - Captain James Cook charts the east coast in his ship HM Endeavour and claims it as a British possession, naming it "New South Wales".
1901 - The Commonwealth of Australia comes into being.
1914 - Australia commits hundreds of thousands of troops to the British war effort during World War 1. Their participation in the Gallipoli campaign leads to heavy casualties.
1948 - Australia launches a scheme for mass immigration from Europe.
2002 - In Bali, 88 Australians are among 202 people killed when bombs go off in two nightclubs.
2008 - Government makes a formal apology for past wrongs committed against the indigenous Aboriginal population.
2015 - Malcolm Turnbull defeats Tony Abbott to become the 29th prime minister of Australia.
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